Bay Area employees work extremely hard, hoping that they will be able to live comfortably in retirement at some point in the future. For the vast majority of people, a secure retirement requires multiple different sources of income. One common source of income includes benefits from a retirement plan. When you make a retirement plan claim, you expect that your full benefits will be paid out. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.
At Roberts Disability Law, P.C., our Bay Area retirement plan attorneys have extensive experience helping claimants seek the retirement benefits that they deserve. If your retirement claim has been denied or delayed, we can help. Our team is ready to hear your case and provide you with aggressive legal representation.
There are many different types of retirement plan claims. When appealing the denial of your claim, it is imperative that you work with an attorney who understands your specific type of retirement plan. Many retirement plans are governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), a federal law that mandates that covered plans must meet minimum legal standards. Our team handles both ERISA-regulated retirement plan claims and other types of retirement claims. More specifically, some of the most common examples of retirement plan cases that we handle involve:
One of the most important things that you need to know about retirement claim denials is that you have a limited amount of time to file an appeal. Further, you should also know that if your initial administrative appeal is not prepared properly, it could substantially damage your case. Indeed, if you fail to submit certain evidence during the administrative appeal stage, that evidence may be barred from admission during any future lawsuits. The bottom line is simple: You need to get an experienced Bay Area retirement claims attorney by your side as soon as you first receive a denial letter. From there, your attorney will be able to review that denial letter, and determine precisely how you should prepare your appeal, so that you are able to obtain the benefits you are owed without any unnecessary delay.
At Roberts Disability Law, P.C., our dedicated retirement plan attorneys have helped many people recover the full and fair benefits they rightfully deserve. If you need help with your claim, please do not hesitate to contact our team today to set up your free legal consultation. From our offices in Alameda, San Francisco and San Jose, we represent clients throughout the Bay Area of California.
We know how to get your insurance claim paid. Call today at:
(510) 230-2090